Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

Version 1.1

(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Deep within,

our demons snack upon our essence.

They are the quantum parasites taken up residence within our being.

This breath of essence we refer to as I

has the challenge to remain present and fully consciousness,

or trip off and vacate our body, loosing our awareness in the quantum distortion.

Welcome to the home of the Parasite.

It has the nickname - Fear.

It's reactor and energy core,

the need to manipulate and control.


For when we fear,

we are urged to give away the ultimate, abundant resource.

It goes by the labels of peaceful presence,

loving interconnectedness,

the grand romance with unity, the mysterious collective existence,

the perpetual knowing that all existence is both fleeting and forever,

that we are born into and are heir to all that is Timelessness.


Peeking into the paramount paradox of choice,

we realize we need not hand over the reigns to the Parasite.


Call it surrender,

call it inner Jihad,

Call it the thousand deaths by suffering.

Do whatever it takes,

or undo in yourself what has taken hold

so you can choose to no longer relinquish the reigns

on this never-ending journey.

This is the call to awaken and light up the world.




Begin to harness and reclaim the energetic emotions surrounding your fear. These are your allies in disguise. Realize that you cannot be extinguished and only you can leave yourself seemingly diminished.  Cultivate courage and not give yourself away to your fear.



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