Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

Excerpts from Douglas E. Harding's book "Open to the Source".  Mr. Harding founded the "Headless Way" as a way, using direct experience, to connect to source. 


My comments are not bracketed, while Mr. Hardings are within brackets [ ] 


The personal ego can be so full of need to do, so anxious, so churning [Yet, what's needed is coming up form the depths just when it should.  In Heaven you discover the quiet upsurge from the Abyss.]


[If we wish to find out what it's really like to create the world, we have only to desire nothing and pay attention.]


[Part of the price of involvement in the world is to have feelings, some of which are agreeable, som of which are disagreeable, and some of which are tragic.  I can't exist, ca't express at all, without this dualism:  the dualism of good and evil, eauty and ugliness, black and white, etc., which is the inescapable condition of expressing into the world from the place that is free of those dualities.]


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