Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

© 2011 Howard McQueen


Sweet stream that runs through this valley, 

 and all life living upon this forest floor,

 this small band of brethren do bow and honor you.


You who whisper and gently caress,

 and call out to humans 


  “come in peace and learn again how I can sustain you”.


Let go most of your modern ways,

 for they do not serve you, or me.

I, GAIA, mother of all life, will show you the natural ways.


Let the sun set gently on you each and every day.

Hear the echoes of children swinging to their delight.

Celebrate the bounty of harvest,

knowing that the cycle brings with it,

the ebb of winter’s shortness of day.


Come take of my wood and my clay.

Build your structures with this and fresh mown hay.

With all this natural bounty, make your own way,

while I send my stream waters

on to rivers and into the great bay.


I’ll wait patiently for all the creatures I open to and love.

You have a place in my heart.


Think of me often

and whenever you can,

return to me, again and again. 





Know that Heart and I are gonna be missing each and every one of you. 



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