Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

© 2009 Howard McQueen

The glorious work of inner liberation,
neck deep, mired in stuck emotions and public hi-jackings.
Containment of aggression,
the learning to stick with,
digest and transmute
jittery, jolting energies that have for too long
been allowed to escape and run amuck,
short-circuiting and
shocking the external world.

So, I practice the art of containment,
holding and turning what was once allowed to escape
into a somewhat finer wine,
worthy of sharing,
suitable for serving to the
gathering We-ness.
My home-made, hand-made aperitif,
to introduce and honor the main course,
the service of divine Oneness.

T’was a healthy dose of intimacy
with humility
that dissolved my heavy armor of arrogance.

What was once an unlimited underground aquifer of anger and rage,
is this beautiful fuel redirected into the service of courage,
to constantly open my Heart to this journey.

There is this great, unbounded Love that awaits one who opens the Heart and can rest with and feel into ALL the emotions that life offers. It is this message that summoned my courage to do whatever it takes to uncover that love that is suffocating. Fortunately, there are always embers still smouldering.

Miss all of you!

Love all of you!

Give everyone in the extended family my very best and let them know they are cherished!

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