Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond


© 2009 Howard McQueen

The outer domain
The outside world is its own domain.
Set it aside for the moment.

The inner domain
The inner domain is your closest,
most intimate
Its mechanisms, the heart and the mind,
emotions and thoughts and feedback within your body.

The heart emotes.
Vibrational energies we call emotions flow,
escape, erupt, ooze out of the heart.

The mind amplifies, analyzes, conceptualizes and attempts to problem-solve
the energetic flows,
the crud, constipated and blocked energies,
the ecstacy and joy
all these feelings and emotions coming out of the heart.

Let the mind rest.
Teach the mind to be alert,
yet relaxed, in an untethered [1] state.

Bring forward your inner observer,
the watcher,
your witnessing presence.
Take up your residence
as the witnessing presence.
Witness the miracle of your heart emoting
Witness the mind, in lock step,
amplifying the emotions and jumping into its own motion.
Learn to remain present in this maelstrom and kaleidoscope,
these mechanisms forming and functioning
within your inner domain.

Now, lets add the outside domain.
Situations and events, in the form of vibrational energies
flow (sometimes it feels like the force of a fire hose),
from the outside-in,
through your sensory organs.
Your inner domain receives these energies.
Your inner heart and mind are stimulated,
The inside becomes hyper-activated
And you … [insert custom-made drama here] engage!

If you are resident as the conscious, witnessing presence,
you observe, watch and witness the changes in your heart and mind.
If you are absorbed in the role of your ego,
You have creative license to react and engage,
Or react, shrink and hide,
Or play out the then thousand dramas of the human neurosis.
If you are the witnessing presence,
It all becomes known as a constantly shifting,
cosmic jig saw puzzle of Joy.
The mayhem and suffering
The ebb and flow of egoic efforting,
the trying to manipulate and control the
phantasmagoric outside domain
so it will stabilize and conform to a state
that will comfort and please our inner domain.

The joke is on us humans.
The gig is up.
We may not have the overall operating manual - Don’t even need it.
With these guiding principles,
we begin to become intimate with our inner domain,
we sober ourselves from this intoxicating plight,
trying to manipulate and adjust the outer domain
seeking pleasure-comfort and avoiding pain-fright.
And we experience this astounding joy and delight
this surrender and freedom for letting go of trying to change
or manipulate, or fix, anyone or anything,
all this totally uncontrollable life-force
residing outside of us ..


Inspired by Satsang with Mickey Singer at the Temple of the Universe, Gainesville, Fl this past Sunday.

[1] Michael Singer's book, The Untethered Soul, is a great read. I read it over two years ago!

A footnote: The Temple of the Universe ( will be holding its annual New Year’s Eve ancient Fire Ceremony. I’ll be there, with my list of items I desire to annihilate, and liberate within myself. Perhaps I will see you there as well!

Howard McQueen

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