Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

© 2011 Howard McQueen

What feelings and intent will we fill our world with?
These are matters for the heart to help us feel,
so we may then direct our healing.

We are awakening to a constant choosing:
to live in and broadcast our heart-felt presence,
to honor, share and acknowledge this presence with all living things.
As we do this, we create a high fidelity heart-felt experience.
By consciously connecting and activating our own heart,
we gently also invoke the invitation to awaken the hearts of others.
This literally activates the vast web of interconnected Heart space,
and the quality of our earthly experiences rise in fidelity,
and the quality of intents we shape and contribute to the world
aligns with this rising fidelity.

Make no mistake, this is the long-awaited, much anticipated
grand evolutionary symphonic movement,
this musical flowering of the heart.
It is joyous,
it is heart-breaking,
it carries the cries of loss
and the ecstasy of interconnection
as we more deeply learn the interplay of love and compassion.
It brings forth a humble as well as a fierce courage,
one born of knowing from a depth-of-integrity,
how to be responsive in each moment,
and bring forward heart-felt intent.


The opening and ripening of the heart
is the invitation to fully show up,
to be present,
to claim and occupy
the vibrant, life-giving sacred space
set aside for our spirit and consciousness to fully download and embody.
It is awakening and allowing the free flowing of our essence,
as we shift away from the drama of the head-stuff of programmed fear and separation
into the in-the-moment dance, being present, holding and activating our interconnections
and remaining in communion with the mysteries that will unfold.


It is a call to upgrade your own personal operating system,
to cleanup all the old, unsupported, judgmental programming,
and create the space within to stream
ultra high-fidelity heart,
the super-charged,
vital life force flowing
from pure source.
It all begins with passing what you intend to create directly through your heart,
and again … and again.

This human family is awakening,
as we join in streaming in
the rhapsodic infectious musically emotive language
of ultra high-fidelity heart-felt intent.

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