Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

Writing from Lake Rousseau; Crystal River, FL

© 2009 Howard McQueen

How embedded are you in life?

How “signed-up” are you for the full-spectrum of life?

What are you willing to relinquish to live life more fully?

Can you relinquish all pride, all arrogance, all reactivity, all resentment?

Can you be with life without manufacturing and adding any self-centeredness?

Can you put away the analyzing, fussing, worrying, fixing, manipulating and controlling your experience and just let life be what it is?

Can you accept complete hopelessness - complete freedom?

Can you imagine your life where nothing threatens your personal viewpoints, where none of your relationships create suffering?

Can you imagine being so embedded (in bed) with life that you are grateful for every single experience?

How do you envision opening to life so that life may call you into your highest service?

Can you imagine being guided by simplicity, heart-felt love and compassion and a humane common sense for serving the wholeness, the sacredness and holiness of Life.

This is the practice. This is a path that invites Grace to enter, gradually, then more and more …

This posting informed and inspired by the book Everyday Zen, by Charlotte Joko Beck

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