Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

Version 2.1 | 09.27.2010
© 2010 Howard McQueen

Our life experience with this world is unimaginably uncontrollable.

And, in the end,
each and every one of us,
must face our own unscheduled death,
as well as the deaths of those we love
and the loss of all things we become attached to.

It is easy to see how a life lived focused on loss,
breeds separation,
may bring about a deep and dark resignation,
the uncontrollability and relentless
howling wind and erosion of life
can beat us into self-sedation,
a comfy blanket we pull over our perpetual grief-based upon feeling separation.

There are universal rhythms born into all life forms

  • Birth – Life – Death (repeat infinitely)
  • Creation – Destruction (repeat infinitely)
When I feel into infinity,
There is something stark and at the same time, satisfying,
some backdrop, something of an infrastructure which is unhinged
from any concepts relating to time,
something outside of time itself,
a dimension of being that is ... everlasting
Contemplating infinity truly short-circuits the churn of our human mind,
opening a gateway into a fundamental Truth,
pointing to what is ultimately,
the Divine Mystery,
revealing a remembering of the grand rhythms that we,
embodied forms of life,
are all governed by.

We can choose to build,
through repetition and rhythms,
the sensations of stability,
of feeling in control.
Life allows this …

We can construct elaborate boundaries,
well-built stone and masonry walls,
super-fortresses where we can hide our heart,
and throw our own meager resistance at life
with whatever force we can muster.
Life allows this …

We can open ourselves to feeling the relentless forces of life,
and awaken to the ancient human family struggle,
all the efforting to cover over the fundamental human fears,
reacting to our delusions, reacting and spewing out all our projections.
Life allows this …

And, in the end,
life and its many mysteries
flow in continuity,
out of the invisible cache,
sustaining an infinity of possibilities.

Can you, unconditionally, in this moment, accept life on its terms?

Realize, now, how you are still empowering,
still sustaining your own internal conflicts?

Realize now, how are you still funding,
still sustaining your own internal war of fear and terror?

Come down to the river,
and allow yourself to be cleansed.
Become the empty chamber,
consciously choose your own unique resonating container,
be it a gourd, cello, flute, drum, …

Know it is your wide-open heart
that breathes in the deeper rhythms and experiences of life,
that, in the silence of deep repose,
translates the uncontrollable messiness and death of forms of life,
as an irresistible melancholy of sorrow
a cornucopia of ecstatic symphonic movements.
This is the genuine, authentic life experience.

It comes from facing and accepting life, on life’s terms.
This is what connects us to our genius for imagining
and realizing deeper and deeper healing rhythms,
for connecting to and breathing out our life sustaining intuition and intent,
a responsiveness that is filled to the brim with compassion,
that includes all forms, all actions,
seeing clearly that there is no need for judgment,
just deeper and deeper healing,
to alter all the distortion,
allowing us to embrace the essentialness of our suffering,
and remain open to the uncontrollable gift
to again experience this mystery.

Will you allow life to
have its way,
make its way,
all the way
into and through the essence of you?

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