Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Like experiencing magic for the very first time,

 like the first glimpse of the ocean

 or the snow-capped mountains,

 we hold a depth-of-capacity

 to vibrate with delight.


A ten year old sofa bed is retired from the vacation rental cabin

 and is donated to a consignment shop.

A single young mother scrapes up the money to buy this,

 so very delighted to have something like this to grace her home.

So many wait staff and service people beam their brightest of smiles,

 when shown just the slightest of appreciation.


Cultivate your delight

 share your delight with others,

 and share  in the delight of others.

Learn to tune into the vibration and radiation of delight.


Catch all the opportunities to wildly be caught,

 to bubble up and effervesce in the contagiousness of delight.


If you catch yourself closed down to the vibration of delight,

 ask your inner child if she/he has experienced too much delight.




Step back on this vibrating train of delight.

It makes stops to honor times of sadness and grief.

You can get back on this train anywhere and anytime.

Your ticket to ride

 came pre-paid

 for your entire lifetime.




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