Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

(C) 2009 Howard McQueen

I’ve been recently drawn to this word, singularity. My original context was around feeling into the increased momentum of change and the pressures being focused on us humans and our human-constructed systems (economic, psychological, etc.). Here are some definitions retrieved from the web.

Definition: singularity

• the quality of being one of a kind; "that singularity distinguished him from all his companions"

• strangeness by virtue of being remarkable or unusual

• In mathematics, a singularity is in general a point at which a given mathematical object is not defined, or a point of an exceptional set where it fails to be well-behaved in some particular way; In general, a singularity is a point at which an equation, surface, etc., blows up or becomes degenerate ...

• In astronomy, a term often used to refer to the center of a black hole, where the curvature of spacetime is maximal. At the singularity, the gravitational tides diverge; no solid object can even theoretically survive hitting the singularity.

• Transhumanist: The Singularity is a common matter of discussion in trans-humanist circles. There is no clear definition, but usually the Singularity is meant as a future time when societal, scientific and economic change is so fast we cannot even imagine what will happen from our present perspective, and when humanity will become posthumanity. Another definition is used in the Extropians FAQ, where it denotes the singular time when technological development will be at its fastest.

I remember watching 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968), the very futuristic movie by Stanley Kubrick, spawned from short stories by Arthur C. Clark. Looking back, this movie instilled a sense of wonder, and perhaps this is resurfacing now in my life.

This summer I read the provocative book “The Age of the Unthinkable”. It speaks about “tippng points”, fundamental shifts that occur in highly complex systems. These shifts cannot be easily predicted and as such, contain enormous surprise (shock) value when a tipping point is triggered. .

Personally, I am most interested in the shift in human consciousness as it relates to singularity. This emergence of self-awareness to me qualifies as a form of singularity arising. When an individual reaches a tipping point and chooses / (is driven) to become authentic, their inner world and their energetic field undergoes a radical, transformational shift. Their relationship to the external world is forever altered. Setting aside the “special effects” that can come out of this transformation, the sense of connectedness to something much vaster can be one of the outcomes. From my perspective, the insights that come through to the individual from this relationship with Vastness point to a bottomless depth of Mystery.

This is such a wonderful time to be alive, to work through our fears and to participate in awakening. Together we can live life and chronicle the events and the huge tidal shifts taking place on our planet and within/across the full spectrum of our human consciousness and awareness.

If you also happen to be provoked (positively or negatively) by this post, I invite you to connect and share your comments by emailing me:

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