Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

Version 1.3 | 2010.10.21
(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

Words spoken by others
can be received as so full of judgment, so condemning.
So, we wait
and, rather than expectorate vile, venom and fear,
we let a deeper potential
for what is possible
draw near
and whisper in a new language that informs and awaken in us
a curiosity to stay connected and in conversation
and allow for well-informed possibilities
that what we next dare to speak
frees us from mechanically passing down the chains of judgment and condemnation.

By cultivating and uncovering this innate freedom-consciousness,
we give ourselves the space to completely revise and author
from a deeper core place full of heartfelt intent.
This means that we relax our trying to defend certain inner beliefs,
especially those that gag our authentic voice
and wed our awareness and intent to an unwillingness
to open and be fully listening ...

When we open to the moment and welcome in the presence of whatever is possible, we can literally birth radical new possibilities into this world.

We learn to source from a deeper field of responsive truth, our own innate, intuitive guidance. This allows us to let go and liberate ourselves from the cascading heavy human gravity patterns of repetition. When these patterns are released, what we manifest comes from a fresh, vibrant field of limitless possibilities. Welcome to our deeper core, uncovered through our courage to remain in connection with others and the facing of our own fear.

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