Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

Greeting THE FRIEND first thing each morning

© 2009 Howard McQueen

Good morning [nameless essence],

I love you, as you are, the whole work-in-process package.

It is really something to behold one self (or any self, or all our selves). Everything we think we know, and that we intuit and even everything we glean from direct experience, are but tiny rocks and chunks of gold, that hint at the expression of the precious facets, the embodiment of life into the human form.
It is what we make of humans practicing spirit and spirit practicing at being in human form.

Life is such a mystery and death awaits us, constantly, often not so secretly trying to seduce us.
And then, there is love, ever-present, very shy, not-a-seductress and only a weak gravity pull in the mind.
Fortunately, we have the Heart, else we could never forgive or heal ourselves of the real traumas of fear and injustice that sweep through humanity's mind.

And, we have the ability to rest in the blessings of Heart, with all of our being, and to let go, let life be.

I am finding that it is even much simpler than all this, but I've not yet found the words. Perhaps there are only pointers, signs, hidden everywhere, in everything, just waiting for us to notice ;-) .

Perhaps even this humble message from a fool of life carries a signal that others will find sustenance from in this radically changing world that we and our lineage of ancestors have manifested.

The signal of Love is becoming strong in my life. Most everything else I've believed in has been mostly distraction, or defense, or ...

Pass along my best, until our next kiss.

A tribute to my current teacher - MR, for illuminating THE FRIEND
Enhanced by my spiritual playmate(s) - KC & CA

Views: 20

Comment by Cullen Anderson on July 31, 2009 at 8:27pm
Howard, I like Eckhart Tolle's portal to the Friend upon awaking in the morning. Before getting out of bed, notice into each part of the body. Maybe start at the feet and go along to the top of the head. Notice that there is awareness energy in each part of the body. After getting used to this, a person may find they can feel this awake energy pulsating from head to toe and back. Presence is the reward. A great way to start the day centered in the Friend that lives in us all.
Comment by Howard McQueen on July 31, 2009 at 8:35pm

Spot on. Greet and kiss the Friend and make sure the prayer of presence is awakened and embodied - each day!!!
Comment by Howard McQueen on July 31, 2009 at 10:32pm
Awe shucks. Back at Cha, in every dimension you are swimmin' in!


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