Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

This, the Seventh Day of our Awakening, 2010
Writing from West Palm Beach Shores

© 2010 Howard McQueen

Right there, in the fold
of the form and the formless.
I am there.
So are you.
We are intertwined.
yet also connected.

Putting on faces
crowding into subways
exchanging glances across the park.

Here we are, always
in the fold
between form and formless
almost startled to say hello,
through our new guises
and the life situations we sow,
some infinite mix of embracing
the light and the shadow.

Right there, where form mixes with formlessness,
love rises and sets
life is born and extinguished.
In the wink of the Oneness,
the mind tries to trivialize and explain away,
fear attempts to paralyze.
We glimpse a shimmering luminescence
peering into the depths of this mystery,
of being alive,
repeatedly being guided,
not always gently
into our depths
where we uncover and discover
our adept ability
to just be
present in this folding and unfolding,
ever-changing, constantly flowing change
this collective, dynamic, unspooling reality
knowing we are separate
and so inexplicably,
energetically interconnected..

Knowing this, consciously living as this
brings forth many stored,
ready to blossom
evolutionary proclivities.

Will the seeds of our awareness be dancing upon this fertile earth
ten thousand sunsets from now? One hundred thousand sunsets?

Will we open to the experience of marveling at consciousness
as it mutates and evolves?

Will we serve spirit to each other, so that we grow our becoming
into our being?

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