Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Why is it we become stuck and mired in circumstances?


I've noticed that there are occasions when my agendas for how life should unfold assert themselves.

When unfolding circumstances don't appear to support my agendas, I have this uncanny ability to put on my cheerleader outfit and begin lobbying on their behalf.


We all do this from time to time.  It is how we learn to navigate through the world, and how we learn to gain a better understanding of how our programming and conditioning influence our sense of free choice.


When starting a small business in the early 1980s, considerable cheerleading was needed to get it off-the-ground and ultimately sustainable.  Years later, alother cheerleading effort ws needed to retire my career in order to make room for poetry and gypsy-journeying.


In my more recent search for a community of people to live with, I've seen again how my agendas can sometimes whisper "if only they can see the light and make the important changes to ...".  The cheerleader in me encourages adding more influence, more perseverance, more ... - to shape outcomes.  This cheerleading can become a bit contagious if you have a partner on the same page also cheerleading.


A certain lightness-of-being within me seems to retreat when it becomes an effort to influence or persuade someone. These are the early warning signs that I am doing a masterful cheerleading job, first and foremost, on myself, in order to influence another.


I step back into being at peace with myself and reflect:


We are all on this journey and often at such different spaces and places,

shaping and being shaped by vast differences in circumstances and perspectives.


Best not to add to anyone else's confusions, unless specifically invited!

And even then, take care ...

and be aware of all those underlying agendas  


;-)  - HM

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