Asheville Sangha

Supporting Non-Duality and Awakening in Asheville and Beyond

© 2009 Howard McQueen

We are blessed when we meet someone who gives us clean, unambiguous pointers to living life fully
This ability to point someone to their essence becomes a talent that may arise in us.
I gave my teacher the nickname “Maestro”.
He has quickened within me, the orchestrator, the symphony conductor of life energy.
The Maestro is so full of love, our circle of presence calls forth this viral, radical Love.

I sense my inner Maestro arising, clearing out old circuits that bled off energy,
Organic diagnostics awaken to test and scrutinize the infrastructure programs.
My infrastructure programming is undergoing major rewrites,
a dynamic revision process set into motion
to re-imagine the radically altered human operating system.

There are reasons we humans have uncovered the gifts of quantum physics,
of the double helix structure of our DNA,
of the silicon-based digital operating systems that are already virally connecting us.

These reasons will become clearer to us as we inwardly use these gifts to encourage our consciousness to behold the interconnectedness and interdependencies of energy and matter.

We begin to consciously experiment individually and in groups to shape responses to life through intent and our gift of languaging our intents so we can move into intimacy.

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