Trey Carland


Candler, NC

United States

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About Me
Trey has been actively on a spiritual journey since 2005. After several awakening experiences, he became passionate about sharing these insights with the world. "This has to be shared," was the thought that came after one such experience. So, he began blogging about his journey and eventually turned those blogs into two books. His first book, A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self, was published in December of 2011, and his second book, Finding Peace Everywhere: How Presence, Surrender and Inquiry Changed My Life, was published in January of 2021.

In 2007 Trey began hosting weekly Awakening Support Group meetings dedicated to enlightenment and awakening. Also in 2007, Trey co-founded the Asheville Sangha online community and Facebook page to help bring together like-minded individuals from Asheville and beyond.

In 2018 Trey began offering meditation hikes in the mountains of Western North Carolina as a way to help others find peace. Combining meditation with walking in Nature is a powerful combination that enables people to become fully present and can foster a sense of oneness with all that is. He created Zen Mountain Tours in 2019 and now offers tours through Airbnb Experiences as a way to invite those visiting the Asheville area to connect with Nature in presence. You can also find Zen Mountain Tours on Facebook.

His latest venture is called Virtual Dream Creations, which is a video production business. Using his drone and 360 camera, he offers aerial and virtual reality photos and videos. VDC offers photo/video services for use in real estate, as well as cinematic productions. His goal is to create art through video and has a Vimeo page with time lapse videos of sunsets and moon rises. To that end, he has been working on a film project that he hopes will turn into a mini-series on the trials and tribulations of people on a spiritual path. He also enjoys shooting videos just for fun. He and his daughter, Izabella, have a YouTube channel called Daddy Daughter Fun Time which is a compilation of improvisational skits they do for fun :-)

Trey also has a podcast called Question the Orthodox, where he has posted interviews with some spiritual teachers and non-duality speakers.

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Favorite Quote(s)
"The paradox is that THIS, this appearance, isn't what it appears to be. It is and it isn't. It's no-thing being something. It's emptiness appearing as everything. It's unified appearing as divided or separated." - Jim Newman

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  • Jerry D Maxey

    Thank you.

  • john rette

    Trey, What are the details on Tim Cliss retreat? How to book cabin. Meals available or kitchen in cabin? John Rette
  • john rette

    Hey Trey.  Just booked Tim's retreat.  I thought the first day was from 2pm to 6pm.  After booking it had Dec. 30 at 8pm.  Which is it?